
They say if you want something done, give it to a busy person. I guess I am using reverse psychology here and saying that I will get more done if I keep myself busy. Thus begins my quest to complete 100 goals before I turn 100 year old. This is clearly an exercise in faith that I will indeed live to be 100. I will use a 'Post' for each goal to give updates along the way. Start the clock: July 1, 2011!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

17. Earn six Boy Scout knot awards - Suspended

Leaders in the Boy Scouts of America, often called "Scouters", can earn square knot awards for service in scouts.  There are some that carry over from the younger years of being a boy scout, but most are earned as either special honors or for completing specific requirements.  Not that I want to showoff my service, rather I want to pursue active service in scouting for many years to come.

1.  Aroow of Light.

2.  Eagle Scout  

3.  Religious Emblem

4.  District Award of Merit

2020 Update: The Boy Scouts of America is not in a good place right now. I have had the most amazing experiences as a youth and an adult int his organization, but sadly am not currently affiliated with BSA. This is primarily due to the many policy changes that conflict with my views. As a result of their changes, plus massive numbers of lawsuits for abuse, BSA is in bankruptcy and may not survive if things don't change quickly. So, at this point, I am happy with my four knots.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

4. Play the Harmonica Well - Done

Each new year we sit down as a family and set goals for the coming year.  Our list usually includes a family campout, a vacation, and a major house project.  This year we decided to learn a new talent!  Suzanne decided to become a master Pizza chef.  Caity has taken up the piano again.  I decided to learn to play the harmonica.  Because it is small enough to fit in my pocket, I take it places and will hum out new tunes as I drive to work or while I am waiting and have time to spare.  Here is my first tune, Come Come Ye Saints, a familiar pioneer song in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (Sorry, I'm still trying to figure out how to add an audio file to a blog!)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

1. Be Debt Free

8.21.2011  Dave Ramsey?  Modern prophets?  The economy?  How many voices does it take to convince me to get out of debt NOW!

100 Things to do

  • 01. Be Debt Free
  • 02. Go on a 2nd Mission
  • 03. Create a Family Photo Book for Each of us
  • 04. Play the Harmonica Well - Done (but still practicing)
  • 05. Paint a Great Work - Done
  • 06. Camp on the Beach (see #51)
  • 07. Buy a New Truck - Done
  • 08. Travel Europe with Suzanne
  • 09. Donate Five Park Benches
  • 10. Raft the Grand Canyon
  • 11. Visit All 50 States (21/50)
  • 12. Grow and Eat Corn - Done
  • 13. Make a Sculpture (50%)
  • 14. Drive a Corvette
  • 15. Visit the Sacred Grove
  • 16. Ride a Bike 50 Miles
  • 17. Earn Six Scout Knot Awards - Suspended
  • 18. Break a Bad Habit
  • 19. Start a Good Habit
  • 20. Read 100 Books (9/100)
  • 21. Build an Outdoor Pizza Oven - Done
  • 22. Play a Song on the Guitar
  • 23. Complete an Intense Study of the Standard Works
  • 24. Eat at 100 New Restaurants - Done
  • 25. Gather a Six Month Food Supply
  • 26. Weigh Under 225 lbs for one Year - Modified
  • 27. Have a Photo Published in a National Magazine - Done (If you count a National Webpage)
  • 28. Find 1000 Geocaches
  • 29. Write in my Journal monthly (Done, but still going)
  • 30. Remember who I am and where I came from
  • 31. Photograph 25 different modes of transportation
  • 32. Lift where I stand!
  • 33. Understand the mysteries of the universe
  • 34. Shake the hand of a Prophet
  • 35. Buy or build a Telescope and study the stars
  • 36. Avoid mediocrity
  • 37. Build a Pergola - Done
  • 38. Make a clay pot
  • 39. Don't get caught up on things that don't really matter.
  • 39. Catch 20 fish (10/20)
  • 40. Value my friendships
  • 41. Give an honest day of work, every day
  • 42. Honor my Priesthood
  • 43. Write a letter to my family each month
  • 44. Get CPR Certified - Done
  • 45. Bowl a 225 game
  • 46. Write a Personal Mission Statement
  • 47. Give
  • 48. Stretch
  • 49. Carry a Simple Conversation in Sign Language
  • 50. Stay Fluent in Spanish
  • 51. Camp at 50 Different Places
  • 52. Solve the Rubik's Cube
  • 53. Learn a new language well enough
  • 54. Master a Handgun
  • 55. Live on a Ranch
  • 56. Build a Custom House
  • 57. Spend a Week in a Camper Trailer
  • 58. Attend 100 Theatre Productions/Concerts
  • 59. Retire With Satisfaction of a Career Well Done
  • 60. Leave a Strong Legacy for my Children